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Arrival of Bezerra de Menezes to Spirituality


“One day I asked Dr. Bezerra de Menezes what was his greatest happiness when he arrived on the spiritual plane. he answers me: My greatest happiness, my son, was when Celina, the messenger of Holy Mary, approached the bed where I was still sleeping, and, touching me, she spoke softly: Bezerra, wake up, Bezerra! I opened my eyes and saw her, beautiful and radiant. - My daughter, are you Celina?! - Yes, it's me, my friend. Jesus' mother asked me to tell you that you are already in the Greater Life, having crossed the threshold of immortality. Now, Bezerra, wake up happy. My family arrived, the dear companions of the spiritist hosts who came to greet me. But I heard a murmur, which seemed to me to be coming from outside. Then, Celina told me: - Come and see, Bezerra. - Helping me to get up from the bed, he supported me to a balcony, and I saw, my son, a crowd waving to me, with tenderness and tears in their eyes. - Who are Celina? - I asked him - I don't know anyone. Who are? They are those whom you consoled, without ever asking their name. They are those tormented Spirits, who arrived at the mediumistic sessions and their word fell on them like a balm on a raw wound; They are the forgotten ones of the earth, the broken ones of the world, whom you encouraged and guided. They are the ones who come to greet you in the portico of eternity. ... And Dr. Bezerra concluded: - Happiness without limits exists, my son, as a result of the good we do, the tears we dry, the words we sow along the way, to carpet the path we will one day travel. ​ Source: book "The Sower of Stars" Livraria Espírita Alvorada Editora Sueli Caldas Schubert. Research  / Luiz Pimenta.​

 Words of eternal life


In spiritual bread

“The third time he said to him, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me? Simon was saddened because he said to him the third time: “Do you love me?” and said to him, “Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said to them: “Feed my sheep.” — (JOHN, 21.17) 1 Noting the concern of the Divine Shepherd, in addressing Simon Peter to recommend the sheep to him, it is important to note that the Master does not request any wonderful activity. 2 He does not order the apostle to convert their bleating into excerpts of music. 3 It does not determine whether to transform their hair into threads of gold. 4 It is not advisable to transform the sheepfold into a palace. 5 It does not require that they be granted an exception regime. 6 He does not command if he gives them wings. 7 He simply prays for the apostle to give them food, so that they can live and produce for the general good, without deviating from the precepts of work and without abolishing the dictates of evolution. 8 True, however, the Excellent Driver did not feel the need to warn his companion about taking reasonable care not to add toxic agents to drinking fountains and normal forage. 9 So also, in the domain of human creatures. 10 Workers of ideas, called to nourish the thoughts of the multitude, in truth, Christ does not expect you to change your readers and listeners into models of heroism and virtue. Count on your correct effort so that the meal of superior knowledge is distributed to everyone, waiting, however, for the table of your attitudes to be clean and for the food of your words to be clean. ​ Source: Reformador, November 1962, p. 242 Chico Xavier by the spirit Emmanuel​

Let us extend the good


“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Paul (Romans, 12:21) Notice that, in the heart of Nature, all the elements, in the face of evil, offer the best they have for the readjustment of harmony and for the victory for good. When the storm seems to have destroyed the entire landscape, the divine forces of life come together to work on remaking it. The Sun sends light over the mud, healing the wounds on the ground. The wind caresses the trees and dries its branches. The song of birds replaces the voice of thunder. The plain receives the flood, without rebelling, and converts it into precious fertilizer. The air that supports the weight of the clouds and the shock of the destructive spark returns to lightness and softness. The tree with broken or injured fronds regenerates, silently, in order to produce new flowers and new fruits. The earth, our common mother, suffers hailstorms and iodine baths periodically, but that doesn't stop it from increasing goodness more and more. Why will we, in turn, preserve the gall and bitterness of evil, in intimacy of the heart? Let us learn to receive the visit of adversity, educating our energies to benefit life. Ignorance is just a great night that will give way to the sun of wisdom. Use the treasure of your love, in all directions, and let us extend good everywhere. The fountain, when touched by mud, never gives up. It welcomes the waste in its own bosom and, continuing to flow, transforms it into blessings, along the way. of its waters that continue flowing, with gentleness and humility, for the benefit of all. ​ Source: book "Fonte Viva" Chico Xavier By the spirit Emmanuel​

Sublime Light​


Keep your faith with you through sublime light, constantly lit up the trail, Let nothing stop you or discourage you, in the effort to serve that improves you. Suffering is a blessing that redeems, Valorous chisel wounding though, And the burden you bear, if it oppresses you, It is the generous support that sustains you. Remember the Beloved Master and continue Planting love on the sad and bare land, From hearts riddled with bitterness... And you will find at the end of your steps The Christ who, smiling, extends his arms to you, From your Kingdom of exalted splendors! ​ Source: book "Tende Bom Ânimo" Chico Xavier By the spirit of Auta de Souza​

Help yourself


If you want comfort and peace, never reproach anyone. If you seek the goods of Heaven, start by doing good. In the field of humanity, you will not reap joy without planting the grace of sympathy with everyone. Help yourself! Everywhere, kindness is the sun that blesses. A noble plant does not prosper without a foundation in good soil. Charity, kindness, help, calm and forgiveness are some of the most sublime prayers On your prayer altar, remember that in every life, according to our search, the Creator answers us In the creature's gestures ​ Source: book "Reliquary of Light" Chico Xavier by the spirit of Casimiro Cunha​

Spiritual plantation


In a single existence, different situations can be experienced. In a single day, it is possible to carry out numerous acts. In one hour, only your mind can create multiple thoughts. Don't forget that we are all planting spiritually in time. Every moment, when we want it, can be the beginning of glorious renewal, as much as it can represent the beginning of deplorable falls and mistakes. Help yourself, producing good. Without you realizing it, you invariably live in the lives that surround you. If lies or aversion visit you, don't forget that they are the fruits of your own plantation. Each creature reflects within itself what we give or impose on it. In other people's demonstrations to us, it is possible to analyze the quality of our sowing. Let us learn to cultivate fraternal assistance, constructive work, sanctifying concord and faithful solidarity, through every step and every minute, because tomorrow will be a living response to our conduct today, as much as the blessing or the pain of now embody the results of our actions yesterday. Walk illuminating the road with the resources of kindness and joy, convinced that our family in Eternity is made up of our own works, and in this way, you will be organizing magnificent spiritual templates for your new tasks in elevation or reincarnation in the future next. Source: book "Taça de Luz" Francisco Cândido Xavier By the spirit Emmanuel​

Forgive and live


If you don't forgive today... Tomorrow, for sure, your day will be darker, Your steps will be less firm, Your problems will become more complex. Your heartache will hurt much more... If you don't forgive now, What will happen to your path afterwards? Sorry while there is still time, so that, in the future, the sufferings and complaints of many do not fall on your head. Let us forget evil so that evil does not remember us. The fire of affliction devastates the conscience that has not gained enough strength to wash itself in the living waters of great compassion. Whoever does not forgive the mistakes of others condemns himself. Whoever does not forget the offenses becomes a burden of cruelty. Let us open the window of our Christian understanding to the open air of good that renews everything, makes the most of everything and sanctifies everything and, helping our brother along the way, as many times as necessary, our pilgrimage to Jesus will not suffer stumbles and crises, because, using love for others, we will gradually be converted into happy instruments of the Love of Our Heavenly Father. Source: book "Reliquary of Light" Francisco Cândido Xavier by the spirit Meimei

Fraternal Feelings


“But as for brotherly charity, you have no need for me to write to you, since you yourselves are instructed by God to love one another.” Paul (I Thessalonians, 4:9) A strong contradiction that disorganizes human contribution, in the divine edifice of Christianity, is the sectarian impulse that torments huge ranks of its followers. More reflection, more listening to Jesus' teaching and these unjustifiable battles would be erased forever. Even today, with the manifestations of the spiritual plane in the renewal of the world, groups and personalities emerge at every moment, requesting formulas from the Beyond so that they can integrate into the field of pure fraternity. What, however, do enlightened companions expect to be effectively brothers to one another? Many people forget that legitimate solidarity is scarce in environments where the spirit of service is reduced and where the concern for criticizing remains. Notable institutions are led to disruption and extermination, in view of the absence of mutual assistance, in the field of understanding, work and good will. Lack of assistance? No. Every honest and generous work has repercussions on the highest planes, winning over selfless collaborators. When there is an invasion of disharmony in the institutes of good, human agents should accuse themselves of defecting in the commitments made or of indifference to the act of serving. And let no one ask Heaven for certain recipes for fraternity, because the sacred and immutable formula remains with us in “love one another”. Source book "Our Bread" Francisco Cândido Xavier By the spirit Emmanuel​

Help will come


The problem that worries you may seem too bitter to your heart. And so bitter that you might not be able to comment on it right away. Sometimes the inner shadow is so great that you feel like you have lost your way. In the meantime, don't give up. Embraces the duty that life points you. Serve and pray. Prayer renew you energy. Work will help you. God will not abandon us. Be silent and don't complain. Rejoice and wait because Heaven will help you. Through means unknown to you, God continues to act. Source: book "Recados do Além" Francisco Cândido Xavier By the spirit Emmanuel​

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