Associação de Medicina e Espiritismo
do Rio de Janeiro
Av. Rio Branco, 4 - Sls. 1504 a 1506
20090-000 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel (21) 2233-4633
e-mail: contato@smerj.org.br
Thanks to the Founders:
Many were those who helped in the creation of the Sociedade de Medicina e Espiritismo do Rio de Janeiro, an arduous task that included the tireless effort of illustrious people, but with an enormous desire to research spiritist manifestations, linking Medicine to Spiritism, for the sake of Humanity and Science, and in the fight against atheistic materialism.
Our thanks to all the collaborators who became the founders of SMERJ:
- Levindo Gonçalves de Mello - Doctor
- Telemaco Gonçalves Maia - Doctor and Air Force Brigadier
- Arthur Lins de Vasconcellos Lopes - Engineer and Journalist
- Saladino de Gusmão - Engineer and Lawyer
- Alfredo Curtis - Engineer
- Everaldino Acestes da Fonseca - Engineer and Army Colonel
- Luiz Eugenio Pimenta Mourão - Doctor
- João Augusto Torres Bandeira - Doctor
- Lauro São Thiago - Doctor
- Milton Andrade - Journalist (Pseudonym of Arthur Massena)
- Seraphim Wolf - Doctor
- José da Cunha Ferreira - Doctor
- Azevedo Silva - Lawyer and Writer
- Carlos Ambassahy - Lawyer and Writer
- Leopoldo Machado - Teacher and Writer
- Deolindo Amorim - Journalist
- Alvaro Brandão da Rocha - Journalist
- Fernando Dias Campos - Doctor
- Agostinho Sobrinho Gonçalves - Doctor
- David Lopes - Journalist
- Rubens Massena - Army Major
- Vasco Bonafini - Dentist
- Herminio Prieto Sobrinho - Accountant
- Gontram Jorge Pinheiro - Engineer and Army Colonel
- Olimpio Rodrigues Alves - Lawyer
- Bento Ribeiro - Lawyer
- Nicolau Braga - Lawyer
- Amadeu Santos - Lawyer and Journalist
- Olímpio Hilarião da Rocha - Doctor
- Joel Marques Braga - Doctor
- Francisco Klors Werneck - Lawyer and Writer
- José Augusto de Miranda - Lawyer and Writer
- Waldemar Avila de Souza - Doctor

Dr. Levindo Gonçalves de Mello was the first elected president of the then Society of Medicine and Spiritism of Rio de Janeiro, a role he held until 1957.

In 1958, journalist Arthur Massena took over as president, who held the role until his death in 1988.

Nilvandro Cantagalli Barroso, a collaborator since 1968, assumed the presidency in 1988 and held the role until 2015. He is currently the Honorary President.

Manuel Fortunato Rodriguez assumed the presidency in 2015, serving in the role until his death in 2019, with the presidency was taken over by the vice president, Dr. Paulo Fernando Borba Garcia

Dr. Paulo Fernando Borba Garcia is the current president.